How did you come of age as an artist? How did you come to your current practice?

In the last 2 years I stepped into my artists' shoes while working in corporate America and realized I wanted to tell the story of something that makes me happy, has challenged me every step of the way... and has opened my mind in a way that I can only show you.

middle finger.jpg

What was the inspiration for your OTV project?

The public at large has been subject to a carefully curated and masterfully marketed portrayal of the culture and practice of yoga. Most people understand it to be this hugely religious experience rooted way deep in spirituality and to a certain degree practiced by people who are ..."better". After years of being involved in the yoga community and watching the DE-mystification of what yoga really is, I have come to learn that like anything you do in life there's an issue.... there's PEOPLE involved... and people are fucked up. I wanted to show the yoga journey from the perspectives of both teacher and student organically, giving insight to the experiences of the dynamic array of practitioners involved in the culture fairly, honestly, in a fun way and without preaching.

What's next for you or your series?

Currently working on Season 2 of Yogma for filming to begin in summer 2018. Developing a black vampire series. Laying ground work for the New Culture production team.

Open TV