We call upon all organizations that have or plan to support Bea Cordelia to remove or refuse to promote her work. This may include but is not limited to: removing works from websites and social media; making works “private” or not searchable; removing accounts from platforms (with the option of giving accounts to Sol Cabrini); disqualifying from future opportunities; editing out from past or future videos, photos, brochures, etc. If you are reading this and have already employed Bea Cordelia, we request you make a donation to Sol in the same amount as what was paid to Bea. 

In solidarity with Sol and all of Bea’s survivors, OTV plans to de-platform Bea Cordelia’s work in the following way:

An immediate removal and/or de-prioritization of all videos and content that include Bea until a restorative justice action plan is in place that Sol and all survivors feel brave with (Most likely not until Cycle 6).  

  1. The T, co-created by Bea Cordelia  - OTV agrees to stop promotion, removing from marketing, social media, homepage, and categories/tags/lists on our website and apps. 

  2. Eat Rich, starring Bea Cordelia - Eat Rich has been removed from OTV until further notice by the request of the creator. 

Bea will no longer be offered opportunities with OTV including but not limited to: on-line gatherings, writers rooms, development meetings, OTV celebrations, OTV Community Facebook group, etc. until a restorative justice action plan is in place that Sol and all survivors feel brave with.


We call upon all individuals and organizations that have supported Bea Cordelia to support Sol Cabrini’s art practice (and/or her collaboration Sol y Chaski). We affirm that art is a tool for healing as well as an asset artists need to survive. This may include but is not limited to: taking meetings with Sol for building mentorship or other professional relationships; financing Sol’s upcoming art projects or art education; writing an article or essay about Sol’s art work; promoting Sol’s work on social media or on other platforms; licensing or exhibiting Sol’s work online, in galleries, on television or in film festivals. 

In solidarity with Sol and any of Bea’s survivors who are video artists, OTV offers development support and licensing, including: 

  1. A commitment to develop and/or premiere Sol’s work in OTV’s Cycle 6 (2021). 


We call upon all individuals or organizations that have supported Bea Cordelia to publicly share Sol Cabrini’s story of survival. It is critical that survivors be heard, seen and recognized as truth-tellers. We must foster an environment where survivors are believed and amplified as a first step to healing, restoration and social transformation. This may include but is not limited to: posting Sol’s story on social media (Instagram posts or stories, Facebook posts or stories, tweets, Tumblr posts, etc.); encouraging other individuals or organizations to do the same. In solidarity with Sol, OTV is sharing Sol’s story in conjunction with this statement. 


We call upon everyone who reads this post to support Sol financially. Healing is more difficult when survivors’ basic needs are met. This may include but is not limited to: donating to Sol’s transition fund and sending money directly to Sol via the following platforms Venmo (@sol-patches) or Paypal (solychaski@gmail.com). 

In solidarity with Sol, OTV is posting links to Sol’s transition fund and other donation links in our bio and in the comments of this post. 


We call upon all individuals and organizations that have supported Bea Cordelia to commit to adhering to the timetable and outcomes of a restorative justice process led by Sol. We call upon these individuals and organizations to follow Sol and OTV to receive updates on when this process is completed and what is being asked of the community. We call upon these individuals and organizations to refuse any support or promotion of Bea Cordelia until the process has started and accountability to Sol and other survivors is in place.

In solidarity with Sol, OTV is facilitating the hiring of a restorative justice consultant to manage this process. OTV is making a commitment to being a place for restoration, accountability, and care for Sol and all survivors in the following way:

  1. Starting in 2021, OTV will be hiring a social & emotional consultant to ensure artists and community members have someone outside of OTV to support restorative justice. At this time, OTV is fundraising to support these efforts. If you are interested in donating or learning more about where we are at in the process please reach out to community@weareo.tv.